I'm sitting here listening to Theory of a Deadman's new single "Hate my life" ... and I'm furious. What does a rock band know about working for a living, not getting layed, and hating their boss? The song starts out with this line ... " So sick of the hobos always begging for change,
I don't like how I gotta work and they just sit around and get paid" .... Hello ... their homeless ... they don't make any money! That's why their homeless! Idiots.
This gives me an opportunity to discuss the things I hate ... I've dubbed this list .... The Things I Hate List ... ( Solid name I know)
1: Country Music
I don't know if its the twangy guitars or the woe is me lyrics, but I cringe every time someone turns on CKSW.
2: Forgetting Names
I have the worst memory in the world and I'll be the first to admit that its hard to remember everyone's name ... but if I've known you for over 6 months and you still don't know it ... just don't talk to me.
3: "That" Gym Guy
You don't have to wear the smallest shirt in your closet ... you don't need a phone while working out ... and yes, we know you try hard, there's no need to make loud grunting noises.
4: All Bran
It may keep you regular, but its disgusting!! And No, All Bran Buds do not taste better than normal All Bran!!
5: Napping
It always seems like a good idea ... until you wake up at supper time and realize you will not be able to go to bed till at least 11 now!!
6: Mechanics
I don't hate all mechanics or think they're all crooks ... but I do believe the ratio of people getting screwed is higher than people getting honest work done to their automobile!
7: News
I really hate news ... how can you watch the News and still be happy about life. Besides the squirrel watersking at the end, there is not one happy story in a news cast ... killings, recessions, fires, break ins, crimes, violence, scandals .... it is never fun to watch the News.
8: Reality TV
I think its safe to say reality TV has gone overboard ... just stop with the crappy shows already!! Bring back The Fresh Prince of Bel Air!!!!
9: Country Music
Did I mention that already? I hate country music.
10: No Country For Old Men
I don't necessarily hate that movie in particular (maybe its the word "country" in the title) ... I just hate movies that leave everything up for interpretation ... Maybe I should change the title to "I hate Interpretation."
There .. 10 things I hate .. Stay tuned next week for 10 things that are awesome!!
The final out and the final call.
8 years ago
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