Its the first day of fall. You know how I can tell? My gargantuan Elm Tree BARFED all over my front lawn!! Is there a rule somewhere saying that I have to rake those leaves, because I really don't want to. Stupid leaves.
I know I've been talking about Metallica a lot lately but there is good news about their shows in Calgary. We got tickets to it. Listen for another Live Like a Rockstar Series coming in November.
Just a side note on the shows in Calgary. I am super angry at how they went about selling tickets. In fact, I'm just angry in general at how tickets are sold now a days. Back in the day, people use to line up for them and the ones who were there first got the best seats. Now, they have so many pre sale opportunities by the time the tickets go on sale to the general public, all that's left is the crap seats. I guess I'm just old school about how tickets should be sold. Stupid
I am addicted to Wii. I'm not afraid to admit it anymore. Before, I was always the guy who thought video games were a waste of time and hardly gave them the time of day. In fact, I went as far as to torment people who thought video games were cool! In the last two weeks my house hold has gone from having zero video game consoles ... to having a Wii and a Playstation 3!
My name is Chance, and I have a gaming problem ... stupid video games.
I almost peed my pants laughing at one of the news stories that ran this morning. There was a big drug bust just outside of the city. Apparently the cops pulled over a semi truck full of Marijuana. Rather than saying there was this many kilos or whatever of Mary Jane .... the press release the police sent us decided to put it into terms the public would understand ... they measured it by how many joints the confiscated marijuana would make. How does 700, 000 sound? It's almost like the cops saying, "We know a lot of people do drugs, lets put it in a term the hippies will understand."
I don't know, it made me giggle ... stupid .... drugs.
The final out and the final call.
8 years ago
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